Mopané 2019-Executive directors blog

In January 2019, we organized a retreat for female Chief Executive Officers (CEO) and Executive Directors (EDs) of some of the leading companies and NGOs in Uganda. The 3-day retreat, attended by 19 CEO/EDs, was a great platform for making connections and networking and space to reflect on their leadership journeys as well as coaching and sharing experiences on scaling leadership heights. Here below are some of the CEO/EDs’ reflections on the impact the retreat had on their personal and professional lives.

I have since had a changeover in my life – Bakwangira B Judith Chairperson Coalition Girls Empowerment

Participating in the EDs Retreat was one of the greatest gifts for me for 2019! I discovered that I had a lot of self-pity for myself given my previous vulnerable background. However, during the sharing sessions, I felt the power within me to change all the circumstances around me including to stop blaming my relatives who actually had played a big part in making the person I am today. I stopped blaming and justifying aspects of my life that I could discard, and instead chose to be happy. My smile is back which I had lost many years ago because I was scared of Judith (myself) but today, I can happily face her every day; I look at things differently and love myself more. It had been long since I last read the Bible because I thought God had kind of neglected me but, hey, now am on course to rekindling my relationship with Him, which is fulfilling.

I have since reduced my interactions on social media, which I had somewhat been addicted to. It’s a gradual process and difficult at that, but I am at it. I keep track of my daily activities especially my financial behaviours because that’s key in my growth plans for 2019. I am in touch with a few ladies and I am sure will keep the sisterhood, for I vowed to myself to be surrounded with positive sisters.

The book I bought from Babigumira Hope has given me a changeover in my life that I was craving for. In her book, Hope says, “I have to work hard and make a better life for myself, what excuse do I have? I have learned that there’s a process to achieving results despite having valid dreams. Success does not come automatically; it takes time. There are daily habits and practices that increase the chances of achieving any given goal.” I have to take one step at time but never to give up on myself.

Ivan Muguya