Giving Stories Blog


Giving Digest: The profound words of American Clergyman Charles Henry Parkhurst, "Home interprets heaven. Home is heaven for beginners," resonate deeply with those who have never experienced a nurturing environment to call their own.

For many, the concept of home is elusive, particularly for those born into the world without a place to belong. Lira Babies Home stands as a beacon of hope for over nine hundred such infants, providing them with the opportunity to thrive and eventually find a home within another family. With a mission rooted in love, safety, and dignity, Lira Babies Home has facilitated countless adoptions, ensuring that every child receives the care and affection they deserve.

Currently, the home supports twenty four reunited families through family-based care while simultaneously caring for thirty four infants, ranging from newborns to three-year-olds, within its walls. However, such selfless endeavors require a great deal of support to sustain them.

Acknowledging the value of community support and the dedication of organizations like Lira Babies’ Home, which devote their resources and efforts to raising children, the Uganda Bikers Association harnessed their enthusiasm for biking to extend goodwill to Lira Babies Home. They set off on a two hundred eighteen-kilometer ride to Lira, showing unity and backing for the commendable cause upheld by the home.

Children are the future of our world and any acts of kindness toward them plant seeds of generosity that will flourish in generations to come.

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Ednah Rebeccah