Giving Stories Blog

Uganda Red Cross Society awards major Blood Donors

Giving digest: In February 2024, the National Council gathered at the Golf Course Hotel in Kampala, where the Uganda Red Cross Society recognized significant blood donors from the previous year, 2023. Among them were Siira Pali, who generously donated blood 120 times, Hajj Mohamood Nankwanya with 215 donations, Haji Sebaggala, Mustapha Kigozi with 124 donations, and Simon Peter with 111 donations.

Studies have revealed a substantial disparity between the supply and demand for blood, particularly in developing nations like Uganda. These findings challenge the World Health Organization's recommendation that countries should aim for 10–20-unit donations annually per 1,000 people. However, many countries have yet to meet this target, underscoring the urgent need for increased blood donations.

Given the current healthcare landscape, every drop of blood becomes invaluable, potentially saving lives in critical situations. When individuals donate blood, they selflessly contribute to the well-being of others, embodying the spirit of compassion and altruism.

We extend our heartfelt commendations to these remarkable heroes whose generosity has made a profound impact on countless lives.

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Ednah Rebeccah