Giving Stories Blog


Giving Digest:  In the relentless battle against HIV/AIDS in Uganda, the impact of preventive measures cannot be overstated. Cognizant of this, the Together Alive Health Initiative (TAHI) through its partners made a generous donation of 5,000+ condoms to the residents of Kalangala to control and reduce the spread of HIV/AIDs.

TAHI (Together Alive Health Initiative) is a youth-led, non-profit organization that strives to improve the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people in Uganda, especially girls. The organization was established in 2014 with the aim of promoting gender equality, reducing teenage pregnancies and child marriages, and protecting young people’s rights to make safe and informed decisions related to their sexual and reproductive health.

TAHI's goal is to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights through evidence-based programming and advocacy. They are dedicated to providing quality services and information to young people, particularly adolescent girls, and young women, to ensure that they can access the full range of reproductive health services and take advantage of the best outcomes for their lives. 

In the past years, Kalangala, an Island District has been ranked as the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence in Uganda, standing at an alarming 18% of the Ugandan population. This donation was made with a primary focus on reducing HIV/AIDS infections, reducing teenage pregnancies, and as a form of advocating for menstrual health among girls and young women.

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Ivan Muguya