
Comm-UNITY! | Season 13 | Episode 1| Shaping Tomorrow: Atim Eso's Quest for Inclusive Education

“Education for All" echoes across the landscapes of developing African nations, underscoring the universal yearning for learning. Yet, the path to education remains fraught with challenges, particularly for countless children dwelling in both rural hinterlands and bustling urban centers. In the tireless pursuit of equitable education, there emerge champions like Atim Eso.

As the founder and executive director of AtyCare Initiative (ACI), Atim Eso envisions a future where every child blossoms into a capable and empowered individual. Over the past half-decade, under Atim's steadfast guidance and boundless generosity, ACI has been unwavering in its mission to extend educational opportunities to women, orphans, vulnerable children, and youth dwelling in the remote corners of Nigeria.

Join us as we delve into Atim Eso's remarkable journey of altruism and giving in this captivating episode of "Youth Givers in West Africa."

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Ednah Rebeccah