Mopane leadership Retreat 2022 stories

Reigniting a Flame


“During the time that I spent at the Mopane` Leadership Experience Retreat, everything in my life that I've been trying to get rid of or let go of to progress further in my life was eradicated. I had the sensation of being able to look back on my life while I was washing my feet (almost as if I were reigniting a flame), and then I washed those memories away from my body after I had finished. It initially felt as though my heart was on fire, but after some time had passed, it settled down, and the experience as a whole made me feel a great deal lighter.

What I let into my heart is what will eventually come out of it, so why would I let something into my heart that could hurt me? That is something I won't let myself forget. I realized that it is up to me to take care of myself. The moment I stepped into the meeting room, a wave of overwhelming serenity washed over me and immediately put me at ease.

The level of comfort, as well as the view and the general attractiveness of the room, was remarkable. Being there gave me the impression that I was in a Haven (a secure location) for the time being. The members of the CivSource team were successful in developing an environment that is not only relaxing but also warm and inviting. I could feel my body beginning to heal.”

- Participant Mopane` Leaders' Experience

Retreat | April 2022 | Rights 4 Her

Ivan Muguya