Mopané 2019-Executive directors blog

In January 2019, we organized a retreat for female Chief Executive Officers (CEO) and Executive Directors (EDs) of some of the leading companies and NGOs in Uganda. The 3-day retreat, attended by 19 CEO/EDs, was a great platform for making connections and networking and space to reflect on their leadership journeys as well as coaching and sharing experiences on scaling leadership heights. Here below are some of the CEO/EDs’ reflections on the impact the retreat had on their personal and professional lives.

I was reborn at the retreat – Bernadette Bakkidde Director, Access to Land Justice, LANDnet Uganda

The Retreat re-introduced me to the idea of having conversations with self, which I had neglected for over 5 years. I judged myself harshly without reflecting on its impact on my emotions, body, family, friends and career. I can say I was reborn. I am taking baby steps in fulfilling my dreams while passing on what I learnt to those willing to lend a listening ear. I have a sister with whom I chat daily and do not fear sharing my weaknesses with her. Some things happen for a reason, and I will never doubt why I met ‘the witch’ in 2019!

Ivan Muguya