Mopané 2019-Executive directors blog

In January 2019, we organized a retreat for female Chief Executive Officers (CEO) and Executive Directors (EDs) of some of the leading companies and NGOs in Uganda. The 3-day retreat, attended by 19 CEO/EDs, was a great platform for making connections and networking and space to reflect on their leadership journeys as well as coaching and sharing experiences on scaling leadership heights. Here below are some of the CEO/EDs’ reflections on the impact the retreat had on their personal and professional lives.

I learnt the importance of being aware of my energy points – Jackee Budesta Batanda, Senior Managing Partner, SuccessSpark Brand Ltd

The EDs Retreat was a much welcome escape from the buzz of the holiday season. It provided the perfect downtime to reflect and re-orient my goals - both personal and professional goals for 2019. It was a good space to meet like-minded Ugandan women shaping the future of our country, and I know that our future is in good hands. I learnt that I will need to take time to ‘pause,’ to be aware of my energy points and, accordingly, work on dialling them up or down; to focus on self-care and spend more time on self-reflection. I committed to have mini self-care retreats for myself during the year to ‘stop’ and re-energize. It was such a great time and space for us as we work on our leadership journey.

Ivan Muguya