Experience 2019-mens retreat

My experience - Sam Kirabo

CivSource Africa organized a men’s only retreat in January 2019. It was a time to reflect on the past year, launch into the new one and plan to be and do better.

While there, I met, interacted and learned from other men but it allowed me time alone for introspection. One participant remarked, ‘it was a very timely retreat bringing men together in their diversities to share and learn from each other but also unlearn certain things especially while on a journey to self-discovery.’ That was precisely it. To some people it was a time to shake and challenge different narratives and strive to go beyond the ordinary.

With the high levels of impunity we are witnessing today, one asks how one can change this for the betterment of our country. By being the change we want to see. It all starts with me. If I don’t improve self in areas of leadership and self-management, I won’t see the change I dream of. I can talk up a storm but if I don’t walk the talk, it’s just hot air.

Ivan Muguya